Quest for Better Technology
Teachers are the facilitator of innovation in learning and integrating technology in education. To some schools they are the source of Knowledge in learning the advancement of technology. Teachers are responsible in students learning. Now that the advancement of technology is very common, teacher should also open its door for innovation, that this technology would bring to education. Many schools nowadays are not aware of new technology, but as I look, they always strive their best to have educational technology even a little number of units only.
As the Doroluman Elementary School adopts its learning environment to the advancement of technology, responsible teachers used their own Laptops for creating a learning environment that is suitable for learning. This laptop mainly a tool to ease the learning and teaching process in both side for teacher and learners. They have also printer, they use for printing their school paper, but it's role is for office work only. What makes learning more fun for students in Doroluman Elementary School is their Television with DVD player. Their television catches really the attention of the learners. Some part, it is an aid for learning and play a big role in their learning environment.
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