Tuesday, July 17, 2012


 1st Sharing
The Rise of Walter Book
Technology change as times goes by. It is changing it's phase to some innovation from different run of life in order to improve human lifestyle. But as technology evolve in this fast changing world, many innovation also of different technologies design to enhance its aid in relation to the integration of technology in instruction and learning.
Thus, technology changes, it will also create new opportunities in the way instruction and learning occurs in various settings among schools.
I was really amazed and fascinated on how technology is being introduced and used in different schools of my respected classmate in our class in Management in Educational Technology. During the presentation, truly there is an excitement on my part on how those technology ( shall we say gadgets) is being incorporated in the instruction on their respected classes. I wonder on what it may bring those gadget to create meaningful learning. Thus, those technology that being presented are new to my senses. First, namely the WALTER BOOK. Walter Book? Who are you? This new medium is really foreign to me. I don't know how it looks like and how it is used to manipulate in order to provide innovative educational opportunities. In such matter, I imagine of how this Walter Book provide more opportunities for more interactive learning experiences. I guess it is really fun and something like new world of more exploration of learning and discovery!and  more fun and enjoyable learning for both teachers and students.From its name itself, Walter Book, thus for sure it contains program that has more interactive activities compared to ordinary books that we have right now. But how these gadget enhance learning?As for the gadget concerns, in my own point of view.It will really create new taste of experience among teachers and students in using this new technology on the integration to the lessons in different subject areas where they are learning.
This kind of technology really required a prepared and skillful teachers to manipulate the Walter Book or even any kind of gadget, in order to use it effectively in a classroom settings. The functions of this technology requires familiarization to teachers so that this resources be able to incorporate properly into the classroom activities to accomplish the main objectives of learning.

2nd Sharing...
Korean Dictionary Innovation
The second is the Korean Dictionary which is the new version in a form of gadget. This is an electronic dictionary device which the software is design to translate English language to Korean language or vice versa. This is for better comprehension on both languages.This technology is currently used in one of the Korean School which caters Koreans who study English language here in the city. This technology is really Korean friendly gadget because this is made to cater the needs of the Korean student in the translation of the two languages. The software is design to aid student in their quest for learning. This is also helpful to teachers in teaching Korean student  in translating the languages because the teacher is not familiar also of the Korean language.
Software embedded to those gadget really design to aid instruction and to catch and maintain the attention of the learners to instruction. This will help lessen the burden of teachers in preparing activities that promote active involvement and participation among students because this technology is design for interactive learning and to promote instruction more enjoyable and fun.

3rd sharing

Those technology are common among the schools in the city. But how about the schools in the rural areas? Based on the presentation of one of my classmate which is a teacher at Datu Manglangan Elementary School. According to him, they are really far behind from other schools in the city in terms of technology. The school is located at the far flung areas of Davao City. The only way you can reach the school is by hiking mountains and crossing rivers. The locale has no electricity for any means of technology to be used. That is why the school is using traditional technology to draw the attention of the learners for effective instruction and learning. Teachers in this situation are resourceful enough to design and create available technology that they have already in school so that it help to enhance better understanding to students.There are lot of materials in the environment to be used in instruction which is available and already familiar to students.
Even without the presence of advance technology, it does not affect on the instruction and learning. Still the learners can learned without the presence of any advance technology or high-tech gadget because still the teachers is responsible for the instruction and to the learning of students. It is on the creativeness of the teachers on how to  create design on what ways he/ she can enhance learning and instruction in the absence of technology.

Those are only few among the technologies that are being incorporated to improve learning and instruction. But those technology are not effective to teaching learning process unless it is used properly and  appropriately to the certain subject taught by the teachers. The effectiveness of any technology differ on how to create meaningful and lifelong learning among students. Nowadays the impact of technology influences the instruction, but there is no effective technology on a certain subject this are only an aid to enhance and will make instruction effective to the learners. The teacher must first to know the appropriateness of any means of technology and most importantly on how to manipulate a certain device/ technology because he/she is the one who is responsible to facilitate the instruction and makes technology effective on the teaching learning process.