Thursday, October 25, 2012

12th Sharing

Improving for Better Advancement of Education

As many school is existing, among of them strive for excellent education. Newly establish schools are aiming for better services through their education reflected in their curriculum. 

They strive to one of the better school in place. As they go along the competition,  Poter' s  Clay Christian School strive its best practices that they have already in their school. It recently started   in 2004, and not totally done and still on going of infrastructure and more development on physical aspect of the school. But as time goes by, they really persevere for improvement. According to the presenter the recent development of the school is the newly built school building from the initiative of donations from the church and of course from the school funds. When in terms of technology we can say that there are in need of improvement. Scarcity is not a problem when someone is resourceful enough. That is why through the initiative of teachers, they are the one making possible resolution on how they will integrate technology on their respective classes. What they always think is strive and be motivated to do what is best..

13th Sharing

Center for Learning

This Center for Learning are among the technological tools which the schools of Saint Micheal's School of Padada that will enhance student learning. They call it as Center for Learning since this is the venue of their learner's to learn. Their  existing technology enhanced   learning by making the student uplift their interests and improve classroom participation's. this Center also promote academic performance in quizzes and varied  assessment tools use by the teachers. 

Good thing about computers work is they can make work easier. Many school now are adopting their enrollment system on a computer bases. They use programs for their school specification sets for enrollment system. Making their enrollment system easy to handle of some parents. 
They are the only presenter who shared their Total Cost of Ownership in their school.  They presented the cost, numbers of unit they already purchase and amount of each of their educational facilities which the school purchase over a year. 

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